Former Entries for Actualities
- Lehrstuhlvertretung durch Prof. Dr. Matthias Renz im Wintersemester 2015/16
- Prof. Kriegel receives 2015 ACM SIGKDD Innovation Award
- Best Demonstration Paper Award at SSTD 15
- 2014 ACM SIGKDD Test of Time Award
- Matthias Renz co-organizer of GeoRich-workshop at SIGMOD'14
- Prof. Kriegel receives 2013 IEEE ICDM Research Contributions Award, deutsche Version
- Promotion Erich Schubert
- Promotion Andreas Züfle
- Promotion Tobias Emrich
- Arthur Zimek co-organizer of MultiClust-workshop at KDD-conference
- Promotion Thomas Bernecker
- Prof. Kriegel is the most cited German computer scientist
- Prof. Kriegel appointed as an ACM Fellow
- CCC Headwater Award at SSTD 11
- Best Demonstration Award at SSTD 11
- Honorarprofessor am Institut für Informatik ernannt
- Promotion Franz Graf
- Promotion Marisa Petri
- Promotion Bianca Wackersreuther