[ Franz Graf | Publications | Research & Projects | Teaching]
Inhaltsverzeichnis |
In mid 2009 we were asked to redesign our homepage to fit the corporate design of the LMU. During this time, I introduced and established MediaWiki as content management system for our website as it provided the needed flexibility, freedom and usability for our group.
More than one and a half year later, all members of the group are using MediaWiki almost daily without problems. More than 1.5 years later in January 2011 we registered the 5000th page edit!
By creating an own Mediawiki Skin for the group, we were quickly able to migrate old content and continue in the new system without interruption. Even though there had been doubts about the ability to fit the corporate design by using MediaWiki, it was not a problem to fit the style guide.
One major issue was the list of publications which is very important for every researcher. In the old system, everyone maintained his own publication list manually. In parallel, all the publications were maintained in a central BibTex-file stored in CVS. Nice example for 'Redundancy' - hey we're a data base group - there shouldn't be redundancies. So I wrote an extension in my spare time which parses a bibliography-file into a more convenient format. The result of such an automatically generated list can be seen for example on my publications list.
Currently the extension can be downloaded freely. The extensions is licenced under the GPL.
Links / Download
- download (updated: 2011/05/04)
- How to use the extension