| Zhou L., Wackersreuther B., Plant C., Böhm C.
A Pseudometric for Gaussian Mixture Models.
In Proc. of the the 9th International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications, (DBKDA 2017), Barcelona, Spain.
| Zhou L., Wackersreuther B., Fiedler F., Plant C., Böhm C.
Gaussian Component based Index for GMMs.
In Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, (ICDM 2016), Barcelona, Spain.
| Ye W., Wackersreuther B., Böhm C., Ewers M. Plant C.
IDEA: Integrative Detection of Early-stage Alzheimer’s disease.
In Proc. of the 5th Workshop on Data Mining for Medicine and Healthcare (DMMH 2016), Miami, USA.
| Böhm C., Färber I., Fries S., Korte U., Merkle J., Oswald A., Seidl T., Wackersreuther B., Wackersreuther P.
Efficient Database Techniques for Identification with Fuzzy Vault Templates.
In Proc. of the Special Interest Group on Biometrics and Electronic Signatures, (BIOSIG 2011), Darmstadt, Germany, pp. 115-126.
| Böhm C., Oswald A., Richter C., Wackersreuther B., Wackersreuther P.
Genetic Algorithm for Finding Cluster Hierarchies.
In Proc. of the International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2011), Toulouse, France, pp. 349-363.
| Busch C., Korte U., Abt S., Böhm C., Färber I., Fries S., Merkle J., Nickel C., Nouak A., Opel A., Oswald A., Seidl T., Wackersreuther B., Wackersreuther P., Zhou X.
Biometric Template Protection: Ein Bericht über das Projekt BioKeyS.
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit - DuD, Volume 35, Number 3, pp. 183-191.
| Böhm C., Färber I., Fries S., Korte U., Merkle J., Oswald A., Seidl T., Wackersreuther B., Wackersreuther P.
Filtertechniken für geschützte biometrische Datenbanken
Proc. 14th GI Conference on Database Systems for Business, Technology, and the Web (BTW 2011), Kaiserslautern, Germany, pp. 379-389.
| Böhm C., Fiedler F., Oswald A., Plant C., Wackersreuther B., Wackersreuther P.
ITCH: Information-theoretic Cluster Hierarchies
In Proc. of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2010), Barcelona, Spain, pp. 151-167.
| Wackersreuther B., Wackersreuther P., Oswald A., Böhm C., Borgwardt K.M.
Frequent Subgraph Discovery in Dynamic Networks
In Proc. of the 8th Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs (MLG 2010) in conjunction with 16th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2010), Washington, DC, USA, pp. 155-162.
| Wackersreuther B., Oswald A., Wackersreuther P., Shao J., Borgwardt K.M.
Graph Mining on Brain Co-Activation Networks
In Database Technology for Life Sciences and Medicine, Böhm C., Plant C., (Ed.) World Scientific.
| Böhm C., Goebl S., Oswald A., Plant C., Plavinski M., Wackersreuther B.
Integrative Parameter-free Clustering of Data with Mixed Type Attributes.
In Proc. of the 14th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2010), Hyderabad, India, pp. 38-47.
| Böhm C., Oswald A., Plant C., Plavinski M., Wackersreuther B.
SkyDist: Data Mining on Skyline Objects.
In Proc. of the 14th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2010), Hyderabad, India, pp. 461-470.
| Böhm C., Noll R., Plant C., Wackersreuther B.
Density-based Clustering using Graphics Processing Units.
In Proc. of the 18th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2009), Hong Kong, China, pp. 691-670.
| Böhm C., Fiedler F., Oswald A., Plant C., Wackersreuther B.
Probabilistic Skyline Queries.
In Proc. of the 18th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2009), Hong Kong, China, pp. 651-660.
| Böhm C., Noll R., Plant C., Wackersreuther B., Zherdin, A.
Data Mining Using Graphics Processing Units.
In Journal on Transactions on Large Scale Data and Knowledge Centered Systems, pp. 63-90.
| Oswald A., Wackersreuther B.
Motif Discovery in Brain Networks of Patients with Somatoform Pain Disorder.
In Proc. of the first International Workshop on Database Technology in Life Sciences and Medicine (DEXA Workshops 2009), Linz, Austria, pp. 328-332.
| Böhm C., Oswald A., Plant C., Wackersreuther B.
A Data Mining Framework for Classification of High-resolution Magnetic Resonance Images.
In Proc. of the 14th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Disvovery and Data Mining (KDD 2008), Workshop on Mining Medical Data, Las Vegas, USA.